(Photo Credit: Madisonville-North Hopkins High School/Facebook)
Madisonville-North Hopkins High School welcomed Kentucky Education Commissioner Dr. Robbie Fletcher, along with other Kentucky Department of Education officials, to learn about a variety of Ag Department projects Friday afternoon.
School officials said Fletcher, who praised the “vibrant learning” going on at the school, made the visit as part of Kentucky’s first state-wide Agriculture Education Week.
According to officials, ag teacher Brian Welch led the visit, which included a meeting with FFA officers. They said visitors also viewed the school’s second Shipping Container Clinic, which is currently under construction. This clinic, like the one completed last year, will go to Liberia.
Additionally, Fletcher and the other visitors spent time in a Geometry in Construction class before heading to the workshop where students were framing walls for a Habitat for Humanity House.
School officials said students and teachers did a great job demonstrating the amazing work that goes on in the ag program.